Optimize your roads with expert traffic services
With over three decades of unparalleled traffic data collection expertise, Rekor offers traffic data collection services using both traditional and AI-based approaches.
Our global presence features an installation base spanning the United States and several international countries, allowing us to deploy our highly experienced field staff anywhere to ensure our commercial and government clients receive tailored solutions irrespective of their geographical location.

Blending traditional techniques with revolutionary AI
At Rekor, we believe in the power of combining both traditional and AI-powered traffic data collection methods to create comprehensive and reliable solutions for all your traffic data needs.

AI-powered traffic sites
Upgrading to Rekor’s AI-powered systems significantly improves efficiency and precision while eliminating the necessity for workers to enter hazardous conditions or disrupt traffic flow.

Traditional traffic sites
Rekor’s traditional sites form the foundation of statewide traffic monitoring initiatives, providing essential data for analysis. Our experts ensure accurate insights 24/7, 365 days a year.
Access your traffic data easily

Export data in TMG formats
Download your traffic data in multiple formats (.PRN, .CSV, .PDF) that meet TMG standards in the tools you already use.

Integrate with existing software
Rekor systems can seamlessly send captured data to Drakewell and MS2 for analysis, management, and reporting.

Extract data through a REST API
Need direct access to your captured traffic data? Connect to our systems through a REST API and send your data wherever.

Looking to upgrade to the latest AI technology?
Agencies aiming to modernize their traffic services can seamlessly transition to Rekor's AI-powered traffic data collection systems and Class, Count, and Speed application. Rekor Edge Series offers flexible solutions, including portable and fixed data capture options. Unlike traditional methods, these systems can be swiftly deployed at roadsides, eliminating the necessity for workers to enter hazardous conditions or disrupt traffic flow.
Upgrading to AI-powered systems significantly improves efficiency and precision, enabling DOTs to meet the demands of modern traffic management effectively.
Deploy AI-powered collection systems
Built to function in all environments and weather conditions, our systems provide Individual Vehicle Record (IVR) data that automates FHWA reporting and better informs decisions.

Rekor Edge Flex™
Temporary Traffic Studies
Under 30-minute setup
Up to 6 lanes of coverage
100 ft capture distance
Battery powered
Quick and easy calibration
Captures FHWA 13 classifications, vehicle counts, and speed

Rekor Edge Max™
Continuous Traffic Studies
2 to 4 hour setup
Up to 6 lanes of coverage
100 ft capture distance
Uses direct AC or solar power
Uninstall in under 4 hours
Captures FHWA 13 classifications, vehicle counts, and speed
Unmatched experience and reliability
Rekor is committed to assisting agencies in achieving maximum safety and efficiency in transportation.

Maximize traffic monitoring with proven technology
Rekor excels in deploying both traditional and AI-based continuous traffic data collection, meeting the FHWA's stringent guidelines. These sites form the foundation of statewide traffic monitoring initiatives, providing essential data for analysis. Our experts ensure accurate volume counts 24/7, 365 days a year, contributing to adjustments, trend tracking, and enhancing traffic management systems. We prioritize aligning objectives with program design, guaranteeing an efficient, goal-oriented, and cost-effective approach.
Technology available:
- AI-based video detection
- Piezoelectric sensors
- Traditional video detection
- Infrared detectors
- Radar/Lidar sensors
- Weigh-in-motion systems
- Magnetometers
- Inductive loop sensors
Collect traffic data portably in a variety of methods
Rekor deploys both AI-based and traditional portable traffic data collection sites, meeting Federal Highway Administration standards. Our methods include:
- AI-based Video Detection: Extremely accurate, always up-to-date, and deployed at the roadside to keep workers safe.
- Pneumatic Road Tube Event Recorders: Over 1500 owned, offering accurate classification, speed, and volume data.
- Traditional Video Detection (STARS): Developed by Rekor for turning movement, pedestrian, and delay studies. Deployed by experienced technicians and processed by Rekor analysts.
- Manual Classification: Utilizing "STARS" system for manual counts where radar or road tube tech can't be used.
- Radar Detection: Radar units utilized for acceptable length-based classification.
- Portable Weigh-in-Motion: Expertise in portable sensors, understanding limitations, and ensuring data accuracy.

Conduct comprehensive traffic engineering studies
Rekor conducts comprehensive engineering studies by utilizing both previous and newly collected traffic data. With our advanced analytical techniques, we transform raw data into valuable insights. Some example studies include:
- Origin-Destination Studies: Tracking routes taken by vehicles, aiding urban planning.
- Travel Time Studies: Enhance understanding of commuting efficiency and congestion dynamics.
- Occupancy Studies: Assess parking lots and vehicle occupancy to provide valuable insights into utilization patterns.
- Traffic Impacts & Operations Analysis: Predict changes due to new developments and optimize traffic control methods.
- Access Management Studies: Develop strategies to control traffic access points.
- Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis: Determine eligibility for installing traffic signals.
- Traffic Signal System Timing Analysis and Design: Optimize signal timings for efficient traffic management.
- Intersection Improvements: Enhance intersections for increased safety and efficiency.
Trusted by countless departments of transportation
Ready to optimize your roads with better data?
With a large inventory of devices and a nationwide team of skilled technicians, Rekor is ready to meet all demands with a rapid deployment schedule.