Serious data security

You know you're unique. So do Rekor's solutions. But our clients—like government agencies, law enforcement, engineering firms, and transportation departments—only know WHO you are in rare cases. Rekor makes an impact by using traffic data from its own hardware and a variety of third-party sources to feed our machine learning technology, and the result is improved quality of life.

The information we take in is heavily scrambled, using the most secure encryption to make sure that while cars are being counted, for example, their drivers are not being tracked. We keep privacy and security at the same level of value as our technology. After all, Rekor is real people, working to make communities move, travel, work, learn, and live better.

Man typing on laptop keyboard

Frequently asked questions

Man typing on a keyboard with security data points overlaidMan holding hand out with a security icon above itFinger touching lock icon with other security data pointsMan looking at a computer screen with a security lock on it

Have you ever guessed how many pieces of candy were in a jar? How about how many pieces of a certain color were in that same jar? You know intuitively that those are two separate questions. Artificial intelligence like the methods Rekor excels in using to deliver insights about traffic flow uses operational data that might let a city know specifics about speed limit violators but in a de-identified way. That means that our systems focus on "how fast?" and "how many?" but not "who?"

How do you keep my data safe and secure?

Rekor provides REST APIs to access and manipulate data for our world mission-specific applications Rekor Scout, Rekor One, and Rekor AutoNotice. We keep all data leveraged by City, State, and Federal agencies in AWS Gov Cloud or on-prem if physical control of data is paramount. Commercial data and de-identified data are housed within AWS Cloud. All encryption keys are maintained in AWS Secrets Manager. All important data is stored & transferred using AES Encryption. Stripe is used for handling all PCI data, none of which is stored within Rekor. Rekor's systems also log access activity and allow Administrators to review as needed.

Which users are granted access to operational data?

Rekor only trusts official agencies with operational data. These institutional users are required by agreements with Rekor and by multiple local and federal laws to treat private data with the highest level of care and discretion. The rare cases where private or personally identifiable data are used for operational purposes are limited to law enforcement and public safety agencies working to make our communities more secure. As these agencies and trusted partners work with Rekor to protect people and property, Rekor works hard to do the same for your private information.

Who should I contact if I have questions about these security policies?

Please contact if you have any questions regarding the security and use of your data.